Saturday, August 6, 2011

For Today: August 6th

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Author unknown

Overeaters Anonymous appeared in my life when I was ready for it.  I was not spiritually teachable until my illness forced me to look in that direction.  It was all that was left; no human power could relieve my compulsion.
I am not entirely free of the pride and arrogance that shut out growth.  The process of recovery seems to involve alternately giving up my will and taking it back.  This creates periodic setbacks, but each time it happens I learn something.

For Today:  I have three ways of checking on my teachability:  Am I open to suggestions? Do I avoid judging without investigation? Do I seek to know-------and do----God’s will?

I had to reach rock bottom before I became ready & willing to embrace a program of recovery. Until then, I lost & gained weight, lived in denial, made lots of excuses for why I 'couldn't' lose weight, and I stayed fat & miserable.  When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Until then, it's just a waste of time & effort.

When I was running the world & in charge of everyone & everything, I was not teachable; I knew it all. Pride goeth before the fall I suppose. Nowadays, while I may not want to hear everything that's said to me, I am able to accept it and learn from it. Staying open & teachable is a gigantic key to recovery.

For today, I will work on the 'avoid judging without investigation' suggestion.

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