Saturday, August 20, 2011

For Today: August 20th

There is a courtesy of the heart. It is akin to love. Out of it arises the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Courtesy of the heart may seem detached; it does not interfere with another's decisions or give advice or need approval. It neither plays games nor passes judgment; it does not accept guilt or make others feel guilty with "Why didn't you do it this way? What made you do that?" Courtesy of the heart does not distinguish between president and busboy, can never feel snobish or superior, and is able to learn from everything and everyone.

Courtesy of the heart welcomes new ideas and people, feels joy instead of fear, sees with fresh eyes and appreciates rather than criticizes what it sees.

For Today:  May I be one of those so blessed as to be able to show "courtesy of the heart" to all.


What a powerful reading! Courtesy of the heart is something I work on every day because it's just THAT important to my program.

When I keep an open mind and heart, I can learn from EVERYONE, pauper or pope.  When I reserve judgment for others & choose to view them in God's loving light, I am able to see their innocence rather than dwell on their guilt.

When I look at my fellow man as my brothers and sisters, I feel part of a much larger picture; my purpose on earth is more clearly defined, and I set myself up to be a student rather thane a teacher.

I can learn something valuable from every person on earth! The homeless man has the ability to teach me compassion as I look into his eyes, whereas the wealthy socialite may only teach me what money CANNOT buy.  So, both of these people are teachers and I am their student.

For today, I will greet everyone I meet with courtesy of the heart. Who knows? I may learn more TODAY than I have in the past year! What an exciting prospect!

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