Saturday, August 27, 2011

For Today: August 27th

Every man has a right to be valued by his best moment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do I value myself and others for our best qualities and actions----for those times when we are blessed with grace, when we rise to heights of courage and selflessness far beyond our expectations?  Or does one bad mistake cancel out those moments?  Our character assets have been with us always, though all too often obscured by the fears and insecurities of living with obsession.

Freedom from compulsive overeating allows me to be the person I want to be more of the time.  The longer I live in this way, the more numerous my "best moments" become.

For Today:  I remind myself of my many good qualities and best moments--and those of my family, friends and colleagues.


How can I have "best moments" when I am chained down by excess food and compulsive overeating behaviors?? I can't, and I don't.  I become my body instead of my soul, dwelling in my imperfections instead of celebrating my good qualities.  That is the darkness of addiction; the bleak truth of the matter.  Compulsive overeating hampers my spirit & prevents me from living in God's light and spreading that light to others.

While my life will never be 'perfect', I no longer strive to find that impossible state of being.  I put aside my expectations & live in the moment, allowing myself to appreciate whatever comes along.  I do the best job I can do at whatever task I tackle, and I recognize "good enough" instead of insisting on perfection.

For today, may God allow me to see the innocence in myself and others rather than to dwell in their guilt.

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