Sunday, June 26, 2011

For Today: June 26th

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Chinese proverb

Coming to OA opened a tiny crack in the wall I put up to protect myself. What I saw was so interesting I considered letting in a little more light---a truly frightening proposition.  To look at my defenses is to see myself, perhaps for the first time.

Although I have found many benefits in looking inward, I still tend to resist. It’s only when I’m tired of stumbling around in the dark that I stop muttering about “the way things are” and turn on the light that will lead me to new freedom.

For Today: What do I need to write about? I do not have to be afraid to look into my heart and put down what I find.


”We shall neither fail nor falter; we shall not weaken or tire...
give us the tools and we will finish the job.”
Winston Churchill

 We use tools everyday to complete a task at hand. To cook, we need tools such as pots, pans, knives, and silverware; to tend to our laundry, we need soap and water; to clean our home, we use a vacuum, dust rags, and cleaners.

  Our journey of recovery is handled in the same way. The tools we use to help us throughout each day include: Step Work, Sponsorship, Meetings, Prayer, Meditation, Writing, Literature, Meal Plan, Service and Abstinence. These tools assist us in keeping our days balanced and they allow for a meaningful, productive day, each day of our recovery.

   We hold strong to our recovery with the assistance of these tools, building our endurance each day. Like soldiers marching across the field, we are on the frontline day-to-day. By using these tools and keeping them close to us, we are ready to take on anything that might come our way.
   One day at a time…..     Give me the tools, and I will keep them close to me.

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