Monday, June 20, 2011

For Today: June 20th

There may be responsible persons, but there are no guilty ones.
Albert Camus

Guilt is a useless, self-abasing emotion that keeps me from dealing with my problems. Just as I do not choose to immobilize myself over my mistakes, I have no wish to make others feel guilty over theirs.  I take care never to say, “Aren’t you ashamed?” to anyone, especially to children. Blaming and fault-finding do not teach me what I need to learn: to accept my mistakes, take responsibility for them and get on with life.

For Today: I show respect for myself and others by accepting our mistakes as proof of our humanness. 


I’ve spent so many years living with guilt & shame…..and never realizing that those emotions prevented me from dealing with my real problems!  Wallowing in emotions that serve no useful purpose is a waste of time & valuable resources that could be used to achieve a better state of mind.

When I make a mistake, I apologize for it and move forward.  When I feel guilt creeping up on me, I ask myself what I could do differently to prevent  it. Could I spend more time with loved ones I may be neglecting? To do so would ward OFF feeling guilty and instead, enable me to feel GOOD about myself.

Accepting my mistakes is proof of my humanness, but that humanness is NOT an excuse to MAKE mistakes.  It’s quite easy to break abstinence & say Oh But I’m Only Human.  Being human allows ME to take responsibility for my own actions, and not to pooh-pooh bad behavior away. There is a fine line between rationalizing & ownership.

For today, I pray to deal with my problems honestly & openly, and not anesthetize myself with excess.  The problems will only be WORSE when I come out of the fugue state I put myself INTO.

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