Wednesday, June 15, 2011

For Today: June 15th

For Today:  June 15th

A man’s reach should exceed his grasp
Or what’s a heaven for?
Robert Browning

Abstinence is the beginning. Once grasped, I reach out for more---more sanity, more balance, more freedom. Recovery is an unending process. In the middle of a problem, it’s easy to think that when it is over my life will be calm and ordered. But then more is revealed. I see another defect, another source of pain. Sometimes I make visible progress, more often I see little change.

There is no reason to feel discouraged because I reached for a difficult goal and failed. Reaching is a victory in itself; it is the very essence of recovery.

For Today: Just staying abstinent---if it’s all I can do today----is reaching for recovery.

Sometimes, life throws me a ton of problems. If I think I have it made once a problem is resolved, I can quickly fall back into the trap of compulsive overeating, negative thinking and general discontent. 

Who said life was fair?

Where is it written that a person only gets X number of problems in his lifetime?

It is childish of me to think that my life’s road will EVER be paved with gold!

Sometimes it’s paved with road apples, and other times it’s paved with land mines.

Some days are perfectly beautiful and other days stink to high heaven.

It’s all part of the bargain with Recovery: I work through the BAD days just like I coast through the good ones.

When I accept the fact that life is peppered with ups & downs, only THEN can I accept what comes & deal with it accordingly.

One thing that NEVER changes no matter how my life may change, is my Food Plan of abstinence.

When I stay the course with my abstinence, I am better able to deal with EVERYTHING life throws at me.
My food plan is my calm amidst the storm of life. If I allowed myself to eat due to stress or emotional upheavals, I would NEVER keep the weight OFF.

The Food Plan is in charge, and God is in charge. My job is to stay true to IT and let the chips fall where they might.

One day at  a time, I can do ANYTHING!

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