Sunday, June 12, 2011

For Today: June 12th

We know what a person thinks not when he tells us what he thinks, but by his actions.
Isaac Bashevis Singer

Members of OA who practice the principles of the twelve-step program in their lives are said to "walk the way they talk."  Newcomers sometimes find it difficult to distinguish them from our brothers and sisters who merely "talk the talk."  There are some in the latter category who, by virtue of having lost weight, are thought to be authorities on the program.  They tell us how to eat, how to work the program, what to do about our problems; in short, how to live our lives.

To know what people really believe, we must look not at what they tell us but at what they do.  What is the sate of their personal relationships?  Is there some stability there, as a result of practicing the program of recovery, or are they leaving a trail of wrecked lives as they go?  These individuals are still sick, though they may be abstinent and maintaining normal weight.

For Today: I may fool myself and others by my talk, but my illness cannot be fooled.


As a compulsive overeater, I am a great manipulator.  I have told myself SO many lies over the past 40 years where food was concerned.......'just one won't hurt', 'you can eat sugar in moderation', 'you can be a normal eater, it just takes the 'right' diet', etc.  As a compulsive overeater, it's oftentimes impossible to sort the Bull from the Chit.

Staying true to the Program is what keeps things REAL for me.  My version of reality, and TRUE reality, can be two different things! Only the 12 steps keep me on track, only my Food Plan keeps me on track, and everything in between is most likely BS.

If I am tempted to make alterations to my Food Plan, I know it is the disease trying to take hold of me & make my decisions FOR me.

If I hear myself saying, "Just this once," I again know it's my disease trying to break out of its cage & take me back down the road to destruction.

When I take the actions I must take is when I am on track, peaceful & relaxed.

Losing weight & reaching goal is not necessarily "walking the walk."  Like this reading says, if I leave a trail of wreckage in my wake, I am not working my program properly, and it's just a matter of time before the weight starts piling on again.

The steps are my blueprint for living, not just for weight control.......

And, for today, I pray to work my program to the best of my ability, without lying to myself or leaving rubble in my wake!

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