Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Food for Thought: September 4th

Too Thin?

After losing weight, we may find ourselves being told that we are getting too thin. Often, the people who tell us this are not particularly thin themselves. Their comments are ostensibly made out of concern for our health, but it is more likely that they arise out of envy. Another reason could be their own personal fear of losing weight. Then, too, a thin person will sometimes feel threatened when we, who were formerly fat, come down to normal weight.

Whatever the reason, it is not the responsibility of anyone else to tell us how much we should or should not weigh. We alone are responsible for our own body.

When we turn our will and our life over to the care of our Higher Power, our body is included. The God who creates us will show us how He intends our body to look. We do not need to be concerned or swayed by the remarks of those who may not have our best interests at heart.

I trust You to take care of my body.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.
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Losing "Too Much" Weight
Ok, so I’m talking to my ONE friend at work yesterday & she’s looking at me in a peculiar way.  Suddenly, she blurts out, “IF YOU LOSE ONE MORE OUNCE I’M GOING TO CALL CHUCK & HAVE A TALK WITH HIM, THIS IS RIDICULOUS.”  She looked angry & indignant……….like W T H are you DOING?
Excuse me? What?
I find myself explaining to her that I’m NOT trying to lose weight………..I’m stumbling around trying to JUSTIFY my slim body……..apologize for it, even………..I mention that I’m NOT skinny or underweight…..I’m right where I need to be; at a healthy BMI and exactly within the parameters of what a 5’5” woman my age SHOULD weigh. And, not on the LOWEST end of that range EITHER.

WHY am I babbling like this? WHY do I owe anyone an EXPLANATION about my weight???
I was honestly floored and probably trying to stall for time by babbling like I did. I was caught off guard, so I felt like I had to defend myself, for some UNKNOWN reason.  I felt chastised, like a small child, being threatened with the “Wait Till Your Father Gets Home” promise.
You know something? I am SO sick and tired of people making RUDE comments to me about what I eat, what I don’t eat, what I weigh, what I should weigh, what I don’t weigh, what I used to weigh, what size I wear, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.
This friend has about 50 lbs to lose & her attempts to do so aren’t working out very well.  We had an office BBQ on Tuesday & I sat next to her while we ate. I made my usual plate; protein, no bun, and raw veggies.  She piled her plate with potato salad, chips, a cheeseburger on a bun, a regular can of Coke, and a second plate of dessert.  She will AGAIN be  disappointed at her  weigh in with the doctor who’s instructed her to lose weight or risk diabetes & additional health issues with her high blood pressure.  In the past 3 or 4 months, she’s lost a total of 4 lbs which she probably put back ON at the BBQ.
I NEVER make comments to her about her weight, her bad eating habits, her lack of weight loss, or ANY of those negative things that NOBODY wants to hear!  Frankly, It is none of my BUSINESS what she eats or weighs.
Yet, she feels like it IS her business to discuss MY weight and MY eating habits? And  I am supposed to be worried about being ‘too thin’?  I should feel the need to apologize for FINALLY looking and feeling GOOD, after all the hard work & effort I’ve put in to getting there? I always felt like a second class citizen when I was fat, and I REFUSE to feel that way now that I’m slim, know what I mean?

I'm sure you’ve all had similar experiences; and if you haven’t, eventually you WILL. That’s a guarantee. For some reason, others……..especially Overweight others………think it’s their DUTY to make inappropriate comments to us.  I wonder how SHE would like it if I said to her IF YOU GAIN ONE MORE OUNCE I’M GOING TO CALL YOUR HUSBAND & HAVE A TALK WITH HIM, THIS IS RIDICULOUS!
Somehow, a statement like that would be deemed RUDE and uncalled for, yet, a similar comment about being TOO THIN is OK? PUH LEEZE!  We can pretend you’re COMPLIMENTING me, somehow, but I know darn well the words are NOT intended to BE a compliment!


If having this woman as a friend requires me to eat cake and drink soda, then I guess I’ll just have to pass.  If friendship means feeling the need to apologize for leading a healthy lifestyle, I’ll just have to say FUHGEDDABOUTIT.

"Those who have abandoned their dreams will discourage yours."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post. This sort of projection from the person to yourself happens a lot. If they throw their feelings of unrest out to you or others, they they do not have to own or be responsible. Classic!

    It's tough not to take it in yourself. I stop the person right away and say " doctor says its okay". " I work closely with my doctor on this plan". Stops most people.

    You are not alone! Karen P


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