Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Language of Letting Go: September 6th

The Good in Step Ten

Step Ten says: "Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." It does not suggest that we ignore what is right in our life. It says we continue to take a personal inventory and keep a focus on ourselves.

When we take an inventory, we will want to look for many things. We can search out feelings that need our attention. We can look for low self-esteem creeping back in. We can look for old ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. We can look for mistakes that need correcting.

But a critical part of our inventory can focus on what we're doing right and on all that is good around us.

Part of our codependency is an obsessive focus on what's wrong and what we might be doing wrong - real or imagined. In recovery we're learning to focus on what's right.

Look fearlessly, with a loving, positive eye. What did you do right today? Did you behave differently today than you would have a year ago? Did you reach out to someone and allow yourself to be vulnerable? You can compliment yourself for that.

Did you have a bad day but dealt effectively with it? Did you practice gratitude or acceptance? Did you take a risk, own your power, or set a boundary? Did you take responsibility for yourself in a way that you might not have before?

Did you take time for prayer or meditation? Did you trust God? Did you let someone do something for you?

Even on our worst days, we can find one thing we did right. We can find something to feel hopeful about. We can find something to look forward to. We can focus realistically on visions of what can be.

God, help me let go of my need to stay immersed in negativity. I can change the energy in my environment and myself from negative to positive. I will affirm the good until it sinks in and feels real. I will also strive to find one quality that I like about someone else who's important to me, and I will take the risk of telling him or her that.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.
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It's so easy for me to pick myself apart, looking for things I've done wrong that I need to examine. How about all the things I've done right?  If my abstinence is not 100% perfect, I tend to berate myself for chewing some extra gum, for petesake.  

I'm so quick to condemn & so slow to praise myself.  Even my worst day of recovery is SO much better than my best day of compulsive overeating!  When I am abstinent, the periods of utter JOY I feel get larger and larger.  An inner peace washes over me that is incomparable.  

For THIS reason I stay true to my Food Plan: for inner peace & the ability to feel GOOD about ME!
Weight loss or weight maintenance is just the BONUS!

For today, I will change the energy in my environment, affirming the good and eliminating the negative.

For today, I will continue to like myself, appreciate my good qualities and pay myself compliments!

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