Friday, September 28, 2012

Food for Thought: September 28th

My Own Body

My body is where I live. Its size and shape is a matter between my Higher Power and me. No one else is responsible for my body. In the past, I may have permitted other people to influence what I ate and how much I weighed, but I now take full responsibility.

Other people may think that I am too fat or too thin, but that is their problem, not mine. I am learning what my body needs in order to operate at peak efficiency. I am learning to avoid the foods, which I do not handle well. What and how much I eat depends on my own preference and the requirements of my metabolism.

My body is a gift to me from my Higher Power. Maintaining it in the best possible condition is my response to God's gift. No one else can tell me how best to maintain my body, since no one else is living in it or receives its inner signals. If I honestly interpret the signals, which come from my body, I will stay abstinent and healthy.

Thank You for my body.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.
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Other people's opinion of me is none of my business. I take full responsibility for the food that goes into my mouth every day, and nobody can influence my decision.  

As I shrunk in body size, I heard all sorts of silly comments. I was 'anorexic', I didn't eat, I was too thin, I ate like a bird, I should have 'just one bite it won't kill me', I'm too strict, I don't have fun......the list goes on and on.  Even now, after 4 years of abstinence and maintaining a normal weight, my mother says "Oh you poor thing you can't even eat."  

I don't expect non-addicts to understand MY food addiction, nor do I expect them to tell me how to best maintain my body size.  My body is where I live, and only I know how to properly fuel it & keep it running efficiently.  Only I know how important my Program is, and I don't lose sight of that fact for any reason. 

What & how much I eat is my business ONLY.  For today, I will not allow others to influence MY food choices.  That's a matter between God & me!

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