Friday, April 8, 2011

For Today: April 8th

For Today: April 8th

To win without risk is to triumph without glory.
Pierre Corneille

Never risking is never growing beyond fear or ridding myself of it. To explore a cave, confront a friend, dial a number, ask for a raise, change jobs or just stay No---all of these can be acts of heroism, leaps into freedom. To do what others expect, so they’ll love me, is to play it safe. To throw imagination into the ring is an act of courage.

It is not easy to risk failure in plain view of those who wait smugly on the sidelines. To be thought foolish or insane could well start an avalanche of negative self-judgments. But as I grow, I become more willing to venture out of my safe cocoon.

For Today: I have the strength to walk through my fears, to take a chance on a new way of life.
Today, I went to the bank & saw the teller who said to me, “Gee, you STILL look good.”  In the past, I would have been highly insulted by that comment…not that I ‘enjoyed’ it today, mind you……but, I realize that people are WAITING for me to regain my weight. They expect it.  And, of course, if I did regain the weight, others could smugly say, See I KNEW She Would Do That, HA!  The thought of looking foolish isn’t something I’d relish. But, I am keeping my weight off for ME, not to put on a show for someone else’s benefit.  It is of utmost importance what I think of MYSELF, not what others may think of me.
Other people’s opinion of me is none of MY business.

I’ve given up my people pleasing quest in life…..and that does take courage. To not really care what someone else thinks of me is to be truly unaffected by others views . I do the best job that I can do; I act in an honest & forthright fashion; I treat others with kindness & respect and for THAT I am satisfied with ME, regardless of what YOU think.

For today, I pray to work the best program I can possibly work, and to honor God and myself by doing so.

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