Thursday, April 28, 2011

For Today: April 28th

For Today: April 28th

The first test of a truly great man is his humility.
John Ruskin

Great people do not brag about their successes and possessions, call presidents by their first names or make it known that they live in the best part of town. On the contrary, they often drive small cars, make just enough money to live on and prefer listening to talking. Great individuals are in a state of complete freedom from themselves; their character defects do not control them. They seem to live entirely in the now, giving full attention and energy to the present moment.

For Today: Humility is trying to do God’s will as I see it, to the best of my ability, at all times, in all places.

Being compulsive by nature, my character defects DO have a tendency to control me! I never really thought about that before!  I can get SO caught up in MYSELF, that I believe the world revolves around ME. If I make a mistake, it MUST be the end of the world!  If something doesn’t go my way, I tend to think THAT is the end of the world! Extreme thinking at its finest, that is compulsive behavior. Black & white, all or nothing, no gray areas at all, PERIOD!

To be humble is to be modest. The opposite of humility is Pride. And nothing will sink me faster than a pair of cement shoes in the ocean is PRIDE. When I think I have all the answers, when I know best, when it’s My Way or the Highway, then it’s time for a Humility check. 

Although I’ve never felt prideful enough to brag or boast, or show off a fancy home or car, I sometimes DO feel prideful enough to want the last word. Or worse yet, to be Right. What drives me to want that? There is no real joy In being right…’s kind of a hollow victory to say I Told You So.

For today, I pray to put aside my Pride & replace it with Humility. To surrender MY will for God's will is to stay Humble & open.

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