Wednesday, April 27, 2011

For Today: April 27th

For Today: April 27th

The foundations which we would dig about and find are within us, like the Kingdom of Heaven, rather than without.
Samuel Butler

My resources are within. If I stand and don’t panic, they will come to me. Terror may strike and I can live with it, going on about what I am doing. I do not have to act on every thought; feelings need not paralyze me. Each time I do what I have to do, I become stronger. When I face indecision, I ask God for an intuitive thought, a direction.

It is inspiring to realize that, apart from nature, all that is good and beautiful in this world has come from human inventions and discoveries.

What solutions are within me?

For Today: To find my own strengths, I put aside the rigid ideas and prejudices that limit my thinking.


“I don’t have to act on every thought.” What a crazy thought for a compulsive person! I lived my life insisting I DID have to act on every thought and make it a reality. Today I know that thoughts are just fleeting….they pass in time and I do NOT have to act on them. If I have a craving for sugar, it WILL pass over if I allow it to.  If I say the Serenity Prayer & the 3rd Step Prayer, that craving will usually let up quite fast.

God, I offer myself to Thee
To build with me
And to do with me as Thou Wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power,
Thy love,
And Thy way of life.
May I do Thy will always.

That is a powerful prayer, especially when I recite it on my knees.  Repeating that prayer reminds me to STOP thinking about myself….and to think in a ‘greater good’ capacity. What I want isn’t nearly as important as what I need to consider as a human being who is part of a much larger picture.
The bondage of self is indeed bondage!

When I ask myself, What is the Right thing to do? An answer always comes. It may not be the answer I’m looking for at the time…..but that lets me know it’s DEFINITELY the Right thing to do!

For Today, I pray to put aside my old, worn out and slanted views, and to accept a new way of thinking and doing, all inspired by my Higher Power. When I allow Him in, I make amazing & miraculous discoveries.

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