Friday, March 18, 2011

For Today: March 18th

For Today: March 18th

To stand on one leg and prove the existence of God is a very different thing from going down on one’s knees and thanking Him.
Soren Kierkegaard

I was sure I would never believe in the existence of God unless someone could prove it. No one has proved it yet, but spiritual awakening in Overeaters Anonymous makes such proof unnecessary. Thanking God every day is as necessary for me as breathing.

Though my understanding of God may change, it would make little difference to my practice of the 12 steps. Whatever my concept, I would still give everything to God: my worries, my fears, my shortcomings, my family, my friends, the state of the nation and the world.  Does this mean I can now lie back and do nothing? Far from it. Turning over my anxiety about the things that concern me allows me to take effective action where I can. I do what it is possible for me to do and let God handle the rest.

For Today: I need no proof of God’s existence to say Thank you for my abstinence and my freedom from compulsive overeating.

The way I see it, there IS proof that God exists. If He didn’t, how would I be in recovery from my addictions?  I see evidence of Him all around me, signs that God hears me & sends me direction whenever I ask for it.

When I stay abstinent and work the steps, I am able to let go of the things I can’t control & give them over to God. 

Every morning when I wake up, I give thanks for another day of abstinence; I do the same again before I go to sleep. Without God in my life, and without my spirituality intact, I would still be suffering from addictive behaviors that are more powerful than ME.  They are not, however, more powerful than God!

Giving thanks every day forces me to realize that the gift of abstinence is just that: A Gift. It can vanish in the wink of an eye; I am only as good as my Food Plan & it would be incredibly easy to lose sight of that fact & get complacent.Giving thanks is as necessary for me as breathing & blinking my eyes.

For today, I pray to stay abstinent & grateful. Without abstinence, there is no gratitude; without gratitude, there is no abstinence.

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