Monday, July 1, 2013

Recovery Meditations: July 1st


"Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

Sometimes we have to go to the absolute bottom. If we're extremely lucky, the absolute bottom is where we find our inspiration. Sometimes I think that people who don't hit absolute bottom are missing a valuable experience. Then again, living life on the edge of that precipice is no fun at all. The greatest gift is to be able to step away from the edge and live life without the fear of falling.

If we aren't extremely lucky, what we find at the absolute bottom is a trapdoor that opens to a vast, empty space. The door opens and the empty space gratefully accepts the body and the soul given to it.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will stop living on the edge;
I will stop regretting my past;
I will avoid the trapdoor.

~ Richard H.

 Why does the compulsive overeater LOVE living on the edge?? I've tried to figure that out for 50 years now, yet the answer still eludes me. I know the trapdoor is going to swallow me up every time I get too close to it, yet I teeter on the edge of the damn thing ALL the time!!! I'm never more than ONE bad decision away from falling back into that hole and being swallowed up, body & soul.

For today, I choose to make GOOD decisions, trusting the 'pain' that I may experience from making it is far less than the pain I WILL experience from making a bad one!

Greater influence

You have a much greater influence than you can ever know. So make sure to make your influence a positive force for all of life.

The things you think, say and do, all go out into the world and take on lives of their own. What you set in motion can continue for a long, long time, and can grow to immense proportions.

Life amplifies the energy you give it, and that energy eventually comes back to you. Do yourself, and everyone else, a favor, and make that energy good and right to begin with.

You cannot escape the consequences of the negative things you do, so make the choice to avoid them at the outset. You cannot help but benefit from the value and goodness you give, so commit yourself to giving generously and often.

Give kindness, and that kindness grows bigger and bigger over time. Give love, and there is more and more love in the world as each day passes.

The way you live each moment goes far beyond the moment, and far beyond you. Live positively, like it matters, for it matters much more than you can ever imagine.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

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