Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Each Day a New Beginning: July 3rd

No one can build (her) security upon the nobleness of another person.
—Willa Cather

Where do we look for our security? Do we look to our husbands or our lovers? Do we look to a parent or our children? Perhaps we seek our security in our jobs. But none of these avenues brings lasting contentment, as we've each probably discovered, just as pills, alcohol, or maybe food failed to give us lasting security.

Security of the spirit is with us from our birth. It's just that we haven't tapped into the source. Perhaps we don't even know the source, but it's been with us always, awaiting our realization of it.

No step do we ever take alone. Each breath we take is in partnership with the eternal source of strength and security within us. We have the choice to accept this partnership any time. And this guarantee of security in all things at all times is the gift of freedom.

Our desire for security is God-given. The security we desire is also given by God to us. We are secure today and every day.

Each step I take is in concert with my higher power. I need experience nothing alone. I can breathe in and tap the plentiful source of strength awaiting me, now.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey © 1982, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation.

I am never alone.........God is always with me, in my heart, if I look to Him for guidance. When I looked to food and alcohol for comfort, it eluded me. Oh, I'd feel temporarily 'comforted', but the consequences always CREATED more pain than cure.

Giving up my drugs of choice and choosing to live an abstinent lifestyle has shown me freedom. I do not need to rely on outside sources of security, because the REAL source of security lies within ME.  I am a child of God; eternally loved, eternally secure, and eternally alive.

For today, I will look within for security. I need never feel alone again.

 Choosing your expectations

If you're convinced that the world is against you, then you'll find plenty of evidence to support your assumption. If, on the other hand, you're certain that you'll encounter support and assistance, you will.

When you look for excuses and reasons to complain, you'll surely find them in abundance. When you look for possibilities, and goodness, love and kindness, you'll find no shortage of those things.

What you see in life is made up largely of what you've already decided to look for. What you experience each day is driven by what you expect the day to bring.

You can choose the quality of the life you live by choosing your expectations. You can select the life you experience by choosing the way you experience it.

Make life helpful and supportive by living in a helpful and supportive way. Make life good by appreciating and adding to the goodness.

What you expect at the deepest, most sincere and unquestioned level, is what you get. So expect the very best of life, and live to make it so.

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

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