Friday, February 1, 2013

Recovery Meditations: February 1st

~ Strategy ~

"Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare. "

John Dryden

Perhaps the most important strategy for beating temptation is to avoid it altogether. Temptation pits me head-on with my disease and all of its cunning and baffling ways. It's so much easier to stay out of its claws and devices than to try to free myself once caught in its web.

What ways do I bring temptation right into my house or provide access to temptation when I go out? Do I keep forbidden foods in my house? Have I ever asked other family members to go without those things because they are dangerous to me or my recovery? Do I go places or engage in activities that increase my desire to eat compulsively? Have I considered that, for now, I just can't go certain places because of the risk to my recovery? Have I considered that I might have to give up socializing with certain groups of people because they lead me into temptation? Does watching TV trigger compulsive eating? Does putting myself in the company of a certain individuals lead to self- defeating behavior of any kind? Do I continually expose myself to stressful situations or people that tempt me to eat compulsively? Do I continue doing the things that tempt me to eat to ease the feelings or emotions that come up over it?

Perhaps I am in an unwholesome relationship, or I overspend, or have another addiction or compulsion. What am I willing to do to recover? What am I willing to change to keep myself out of harm's way?

It is easy to pray for God to keep me from temptation, but I must do my part also.

One day at a time ...
I must remember to avoid the people, places and things that tempt me to eat compulsively and provide a way for the disease to touch me again.

~ Diane ~

Occasionally, I will find myself in the grocery store buying some type of sweet junk food 'for my husband.'  In reality, I'm telling myself a lie.....................I'm buying it for ME, pretending it's for HIM.  That's when I have a choice to make: put the junk food DOWN and leave the store, or, buy said junk food, bring it into the house, and then suffer with making the 'should I/shouldn't I' decision for the rest of the day & night!

If I purposely put temptation in front of my face and then expect to use WILLPOWER (my most hated word) to steer clear of it, then I am an IDIOT. I may as well put my hand on the stove, just to make sure it will STILL burn me THIS time.

If the fire burns once, it burns twice. 

If the junk food in the house caused a binge once, it will cause a binge twice.

If I give up my recovery, I may not be able to take it BACK.

For today, I choose to avoid the lies of the disease and stick to the truth of Recovery.

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