Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Language of Letting Go: May 6th

The Language of Letting Go

Feeling Good

Make yourself feel good.

It's our job to first make ourselves feel better and then make ourselves feel good. Recovery is not only about stopping painful feelings; it is about creating a good life for ourselves.

We don't have to deny ourselves activities that help us feel good. Going to meetings, basking in the sun, exercising, taking a walk, or spending time with a friend are activities that may help us feel good. We each have our list. If we don't, we're now free to explore, experiment, and develop that list.

When we find a behavior or activity that produces a good feeling, put it on the list. Then, do it frequently.

Let's stop denying ourselves good feelings and start doing things that make us feel good.

Today, I will do one activity or behavior that I know will create a good feeling for me. If I'm uncertain about what I like, I will experiment with one behavior today.


I had a hard time allowing myself to feel good.  Somehow, I thought I needed to be negative, and to feel miserable all the time..............which gave me a good excuse to overeat & soothe myself with excess food.

If I allowed myself to feel good, I would wait for disaster to strike, convinced it would.  Happiness is fleeting; happiness can't possibly last, happiness is for others........ who am I kidding?

Negative thinking is toxic, poisoning my sense of logic, and preventing God from entering my life. 

I am allowed to feel good.  In fact, it is a necessity of recovery to feel good!  I've developed quite a long list of 'feel good' activities that I engage in daily. Yes, I work full time & have a lot of responsibilities......but I still make time to enjoy 'feel good' activities every day.

Even something as simple as paying someone a compliment is a 'feel-good' activity. Really listening to another person is a feel-good activity, because it takes me out of my own head.  Climbing the stairs at work feels good.............and eating the food I've planned to eat, instead of diverting, makes me feel great.

For today, I will allow myself to enjoy life.

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