Monday, May 14, 2012

Food for Thought: May 14th

Most of us find it impossible to maintain our abstinence and our weight loss if we do not continue to grow spiritually and emotionally. The Steps are not something we take once and for all and then put aside. We continue to work on ourselves.

It is possible to reach and maintain a weight goal, but the emotional and spiritual goals of the program are never fully attained. We keep striving for progress, in spite of temporary setbacks.

All of us need something to live for, something that captures our imagination and beckons us on to greater efforts. Achievement in the areas of study and work, commitments to family and community, development of talents and interests--all serve as motivation. Usually, though, we require something more to keep us going. When we become aware of the Spirit, which is constantly available to us through contact with our Higher Power, we are tuned in to the source of our abstinence and of our life.

May I remember to live by the Spirit


I was able to lose weight, I just wasn't able to keep it off.  Spiritual impoverishment creates a void within me, which I constantly seek to fill with excess food.  What many of us come to realize is that no amount of food on earth can fill a void of that nature.

The binges get larger & more frequent.  And still the void exists.

When I realized God was within me, it was an awakening of sorts.  Relying on myself alone is not enough; I must tune in to the source of my abstinence & my life: my Higher Power.  I'd managed to forget my own spirit along the way, and the price I paid was restlessness & misery, in the form of an obese body.

When I tune into God is when I stop struggling, and when I relax and understand the purpose of my life.  Staying aware of the big picture is crucial to recovery........realizing my place in the world and my connection to the rest of humanity.

Meditation for the Day

The kingdom of heaven is within you. God sees, as no one can see, what is within you. He sees you growing more and more like Himself. That is your reason for existence, to grow more and more like God, to develop more and more the spirit of God within you. You can often see in others those qualities and aspirations that you yourself possess. So also can God recognize His own spirit in you. Your motives and aspirations can only be understood by those who have attained the same spiritual level as you have.

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