Thursday, May 3, 2012

Food for Thought: May 3rd

Accepting Normality

It is normal to eat three meals a day. As compulsive overeaters, we made ourselves exceptional by refusing to follow the usual pattern of meals. Instead, we wanted to follow the whims and demands of our irrational appetites. For some reason, what was good enough for others was not good enough for us - we had to have more.

Now that we have accepted a reasonable food plan, we can learn to eat normally. We do not need extra food. We know that our true strength and nourishment come from our Higher Power, not from an overload of calories.

When we stop overeating compulsively, we no longer need to feel guilty about our eating habits or different from those around us. We can accept the fact that we are normal people, not better than everyone else and not worse either. Like those around us, we have strengths and weaknesses, and we are making progress. It is a relief to accept normality.

May I keep a realistic perspective on myself. 


 " It is a relief to accept normality."  Staying abstinent forces normalcy......whether I feel like it or not, I stick to my structured food plan and I see what it feels like to be normal.  Instead of following the whims and demands of my irrational appetite, I follow God's will for me, and it feels wonderful.

When I am compulsively eating, or having a binge, I feel totally out of control....powerless.  When I am abstinent, admitting my powerlessness, I actually find my true power: letting go and letting God.  Rather than feeling defeated and full of self-pity by this admission, I feel empowered and strong.....not weak & helpless.

I am a reasonable, normal person with an unreasonable, abnormal disease.  Overeating leaves me feeling guilty and separate....alone in the world.  When I stay true to my food plan & accept the facts of the situation, I accept myself.

For today, I accept the fact that I am not better or worse than anyone else on earth. I am me, and for today, that is good enough!

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