Saturday, March 24, 2012

Recovery Meditations: March 24th

Positive Thinking

"It takes but one positive when given
a chance to survive and thrive to overpower
and entire army of negative thoughts."

Robert H. Schuller

A positive attitude is crucial for a successful recovery. This summer, I was laid up with two torn tendons in my left ankle. This happened right at the start of my summer vacation. When it first happened, I was VERY dejected. This had to happen NOW!!! Just when my holidays are starting? (not that ANY time is a good time to receive an injury!). However, upon reflection it WAS good timing. I didn't have to get myself to and from work. My daughter was finished school for the summer and was able to be home to assist me with day to day stuff. Plus I had just taken on some new OA service responsibilities and being home allowed me the time to really focus and internalize my new roles. Instead of looking at this as a negative - I think HP gave me an opportunity here to rest up and do some service at the same time. My daughter and I did some wonderful bonding as well. It would have been very easy just to turn negative and feel sorry for myself . But I simply would have made myself (and everyone around me) miserable during the my six weeks of recovery. Instead, it's turned out to be a wonderful learning experience (not to mention it provided a good idea for this meditation topic!). Life's too short for cheap whne, n'est pas?

One Day at a Time . . .
I will look at life from a positive point of view.

~ Rob R.


Negativity is my disease asking me to come out & play.

When I start feeling a negative attitude is when I feel compelled to overeat. Nothing drives me to the frig faster than self-pity and dwelling on the 'could-have-beens, would-have beens and should-have beens.' 

Living my life in 24 hour increments, and committing my daily food plan to God, allows me to enjoy the here & NOW.  I am allowing myself to get rid of the past and to live in the present. 

 I can choose to have a negative outlook or a positive one; it is my choice. 

"There are no mistakes; no coincidences.  All events are given to us as blessings to learn from."
~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

As Rob discusses in this reading, even the worst events in life enable me to gain knowledge and to learn.  While I may not be happy to suffer a particular adversity, I don't have to overeat to cope with it.  When I keep an open mind is when I accept whatever life throws at me. 

For today, I will allow God to direct & guide me through life.  I will remain positive, because in doing so, I allow myself to enjoy a fuller and deeper level of recovery.

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