Sunday, March 4, 2012

Food For Thought: March 4th

Doing What Feels Good

Doing anything as long as it feels good is a trap. We like to eat for the sheer sensual pleasure of the experience, and we would like to continue long after our need for nourishment has been met. Once our appetites are out of control, we cannot stop, not even when the pleasure has turned to pain.

Unbridled, uncontrolled sensuality will destroy us. Rational knowledge of when to stop is not enough. We may know with our minds that we should not be eating, but still be unable to stop the action of our bodies. If we are unable to control our sensuality with our minds, then how is it to be done?

OA members testify that there is One who has all power, including the power to enlighten our darkness and prevent our self destruction. Through daily contact with this Higher Power, we develop spiritual strength which will control and direct our physical drives so that they do not control and destroy us.

Take my sensuality, Lord, and control it. 

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980,


Overeating can feel like fun.  The food may taste delicious and it even makes me feel good, at least temporarily.  But food has the shortest "high" of all the addictive substances.  As soon as I swallow the food, the high is over, and I go back for more to bring back the feeling.  And on and on it goes.  Which is why, no matter HOW much I overeat, it's never enough.

The pleasure rapidly turns to pain, and STILL, I go back for more.  One is too many & a million isn't enough.

As a compulsive overeater, "willpower" isn't nearly enough to keep me on track with my food plan.

I surrender my control to the One who has all power, including the power to enlighten my darkness and prevent my self destruction.  God does for me what I cannot do for myself.

As I raise my spiritual consciousness, food loses its hold over me.  The pleasure of overeating is overridden  by the calmness & serenity that God  provides me with.

For today, I will eat moderately, with God's help, no matter what 'temptations' are thrown at it a birthday cake, or a 'once-in-a-lifetime' food experience I may never have again.  For today, nothing is worth risking my abstinence for.

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