Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For Today: February 8th

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.
Henry Miller

When an old habit---a way of doing or thinking----no longer serves, it is time for a new way to emerge.  It can mean stretching myself to find the courage to speak up, to refuse to be used or to use others; it can mean reaching out to share real feelings instead of meaningless talk.  As outworn as the old way is, it is hard to give up.  Who knows the outcome?  There is no guarantee, no well-worn path to follow.  I may feel alone on that jump into nowhere until I have reached safe ground.  Then I know that my Higher Power was with me all along.   I could not have done it alone.  Can I stay abstinent alone?  No.  But there is no limit to what we----my Higher Power and I----can do together.

For Today:  This program proves to me that my attitudes and habits are not cast in stone.  I may not know a new way to be, but I can learn.

 There is no sense of comfort with taking a risk, especially when there are no guarantees of the outcome. It can feel a whole lot more comfortable to stay rooted in old habits than to take a leap of faith into some new way of thinking and acting.

But, how much real comfort is there in compulsive overeating? How 'comfortable' do I feel when I'm stuffing myself senseless? 

When the pain of overeating gets worse than the pain we are trying to escape.........that is when change is the only answer, regardless of how scary it may seem.

Having a food/exercise/life plan in place teaches me discipline.  The structure of it creates 'normal' for me, because, left to my own devices, my compulsive nature leads me to overeat all the time.

For today, I can stick to my structured food plan, with God's help, and even if I feel fear in doing so, I know that my life is so much better for it!

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