Thursday, February 16, 2012

For Today: February 16th

Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.
Thomas Fuller

Instead of directing the show for my benefit and letting self-will run riot, I will stop today and put aside thoughts of what I want and listen to God’s word for me.  God’s will for me is not greedy or envious, dependent or complaining.  To be free of the clamor of the world, its vanities and egos, I put myself in God's hands and my path is secure.  I need not waste time on worry about fear, but find a new joy in living.

Prayer is the only means of truly opening my mind and spirit, once clamped shut by pain and self-pity.  A once grim and stormy path is now lightened by love.

For Today:  I begin and end this day in conscious contact with God as I understand God.


God's will for me is to live a joyful life.  It is I who sometimes do not feel worthy to live that way.  When I bog myself down with negativity and self-pity, I reach for excess food to fill my body, rather than God to fill my soul.

When I pray, I ask God to please feed my hunger and restore my right mind.  Because compulsive overeating doesn't fill me up, no matter HOW much I eat. There is no sense of satisfaction or fullness, and I am left feeling hollow and worthless after a binge.  Compulsive overeating is temporary insanity, for sure.

When I wake up, I thank God for another day of abstinence and sobriety, and I do the same before I lay down to sleep.  Maintaining a conscious contact with my Higher Power  calms my mind, and helps me stay on track and focused.

God does for me what I cannot do for myself.  He helps me stay abstinent & sober, one day at a time.

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