Monday, July 4, 2011

For Today: July 4th

Freedom has a thousand charms to show that slaves howe’er contented never know.
William Cowper

Freedom from compulsive overeating and all that goes with it, feels better than any food tastes; this I know. But am I still locked into some patterns that keep my life from being as good as it might be?  Am I a slave to others’ approval?  To perfection?  To the scale?

I want to be aware of my shortcomings, but I also know that being too critical and expecting too much of myself can be discouraging.  “Easy does it” is a better approach to the personal inventory suggested in steps four and ten than taking myself too seriously.

For Today: I am satisfied with the progress I have made so far; it is giving me freedom from obsession and a new joy in living.

“I am satisfied with the progress I have made so far..”  For a compulsive overeater to be able to make such a statement is HUGE.  While I was in the throes of my disease, I was NEVER able to feel satisfaction with myself or with life.  Nothing ever felt right; nothing was ever good enough; things could always have been better.

Nowadays, thanks to my program, I am able to appreciate & feel grateful for the simple things in life. I can honestly say I AM satisfied, things DO feel right; my life IS good enough; and I am NOT looking for bigger & better.  Contentment comes from food restriction and working the steps… other words, from within ME, and not from the actions of others.

My food plan of abstinence keeps me aware of reality, appreciative of all life has to offer, and the ability to STOP wanting ‘more’.

Freedom from addiction brings with it a whole new joy in living, one which I never thought was possible while I was practicing my compulsive behavior.

For today, I will take an “easy does it” approach to everything I do and especially, with how I treat myself. 

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