Sunday, July 3, 2011

For Today: July 3rd

 …….I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.
Just for Today

How is it possible to be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful?  There is surely no threat in beauty.

It was a fear of living, actually, that made me hide in food. To be afraid to live is to be afraid of everything---good as well as bad, beautiful as well as ugly.

In giving to the world, it is I who must make the first move, I who must run to meet life with a smile that says, “I’m happy to be here.”   To like oneself, to enjoy life and to have enthusiasm for its precious gifts is to give to the world.

For Today:  Freedom from food obsession restores me to my God-given right to enjoy the beauty of this world and not to be afraid to show it.

Fear drove me to stay absorbed in my disease of compulsive overeating. 
The "what if's" paralyzed me.......what if I lost weight & I was still unhappy?

Well, I lost weight dozens of times & yes, I was still unhappy, so I gained it back.

Until I was ready to change my entire attitude, my thought-processes, etc., I was destined to stay fat.  When I found OA & the 12 steps was when I was able to make all the necessary internal changes that led to the external changes I was so desperately wanting.

 My disease may appear to be the form of excess weight & fat, but that is only a symptom of my internal state of mind.  To enjoy permanent weight loss & peace of mind, I have to keep my insides on track.

For today, I pray to remember that my compulsive overeating is due to spiritual impoverishment & that prayer & meditation will keep me on track & obsession free.

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