Monday, July 25, 2011

For Today: July 25

The fairest harmony springs from discord.

How we humans hate discord!  We have a talent for creating it, of course, but we don’t like it.  Compulsive overeaters eat over it, alcoholics drink over it, and others indulge their various weaknesses over it.

It took the twelve-step program to teach me to simply endure, to go straight through a difficult, discordant time without yielding to the urge to escape into the food or to yell for somebody to “fix” it.

My rewards are many: new strengths and capabilities, the peace that comes with acceptance of what is and the joy of knowing I am free.

For Today:  As I practice acceptance of life’s discords, life turns around and gives me harmony.

When I tried to fix my discomfort, I ran to food for comfort. The OA program has taught me to STOP trying to fix things and people, and to just be accepting of what IS.  When I sit through my feelings, they do pass in time.  When I wring my hands together in worry, I am not letting go & letting God run my life.

Whether I worry myself to death or sit back in faith, the outcome of a situation will be the same. If I worried myself through it, I wasted precious days that I cannot retrieve. 

When I eat myself through a stressful situation, I make that situation even MORE stressful.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along”……You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

For today, I will allow myself endure discord & fear without resorting to food to 'fix' me. I will do the thing I think I cannot do!

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