Monday, May 2, 2011

For Today: May 2nd

For Today: May 2nd

People only see what they are prepared to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What words will convey to the practicing compulsive overeater that life can be far better than imagined?  God gives me the words, I carry the message. The results are not up to me. It takes what it takes, I tell myself, and turn to the next newcomer.

Perhaps I need to look at my attitude. Do I come on too strong? Do I use words and concepts that only experienced OA members would understand? Do I give the impression that I want the newcomer to do it my way or else find another sponsor?

For Today: Those to whom I carry the message may be more likely to listen if I remember that ours is a program of attraction.


OA is a 'program of attraction'; others have to want what we have in order to commit themselves to the program. If we come on too strong, there is no attraction and others can be turned off instead. If members insist there is only one way of abstinence, others are likely to turn away thinking they can never abide by a food plan so strenuous. For me, abstinence means 6 small meals a day and no sugar.  Someone else may have found abstinence a different way. There is no 'right or wrong' in this program; it is as individual as we are.

For today, I pray for the ability to attract people to OA's door rather than to turn them off to the whole concept. 

For today, I thank God for the OA members who welcomed me with open arms instead of a list of do's and don'ts. Life is far better than I ever imagined & I have OA to thank for that!

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