Friday, May 27, 2011

For Today: May 27th

The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.
William Blake

I was sure my life would never change, that it would stay the same. Then something happened. I found OA---or OA found me. That was the beginning.

Today, my opinion on what is good and bad, right and wrong, how things should or should not be changes with awareness, with courage to admit my defects and willingness to give up old ideas. Some days I feel stuck, unable to let go. Let me look at my opinion. Where did I get it? Is it something I believed as a child? Is it still valid? Why do I keep it? There is profit in questions. Answers come to me, just as they did in the beginning, when I found OA.

For Today: I stop in the middle of an old answer, an old habit, an old way of thinking and ask myself: “Is this really the best way, or is there a better one?”

Old ideas & too many opinions about how things ‘should be’ brought me to my knees a million times. Those old ideas also brought my weight to 225 lbs & made me feel like my entire life was in chaos & I was out of control.

When I leave my opinions on the back burner, I am better equipped to listen instead of speak. I can learn a whole lot MORE from listening than I can from speaking.

Many of my old opinions are not valid at all. Many of my rigid ideas are just that: hard as a rock & not subject to change. That way of thinking will keep my disease of compulsive overeating alive & well thank-you-very-much!

When I find myself feeling angry or shocked at what someone else is saying, I have to ask myself WHY? What is it about that person’s opinion that is aggravating me? Do I think I have all the answers? Do I think I am smarter or wiser than the next guy? Where have MY opinions gotten ME?

We are here as teachers AND as students. If I keep an open mind, I may wind up learning more than I wind up teaching.

For today, I pray to see the innocence in others rather than the guilt. I pray to consider ALL opinions presented to me & to learn something of value even from those opinions I disagree with.

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