Wednesday, February 23, 2011

For Today: February 23rd

For Today: February 23rd
Nothing is to be had for nothing.

Why is it so much harder for me? I go to meetings, but I still don’t have what attracted me in the first place. Let me look honestly at what I’m doing and failing to do:
~Do I have a sponsor—one who has what I want?
~Do I really listen at meetings, and try to contribute?
~Am I working the program beyond Step Three?
~Am I trying to practice the principles of the program at home and at work as well as in OA?
~Do I have a personal concept of a Higher Power that works for me?
~Am I still trying to diet, ie.e. manipulate and control my food intake and my weight?
~Do I follow suggestions such as “weigh only once a month”?
~Have I ever called a newcomer, or another OA member?
~Do I give some form of service?
~Do I ever express gratitude for having come this far?

For Today: I can begin now to follow those directions that seem to work for others and that I have been resisting.

Most of my trouble revolves around Resistance. Oh, I can do it My Way…or can I? When I surrender MY 
will & accept God’s will for me is when I truly give up My Way. That’s when I can settle into my abstinent lifestyle without feeling deprived or like I’m making a sacrifice. The “poor me” soapbox will only perpetuate the very misery I’m trying to eliminate from my life! There is no room for self-pity in Recovery.

And gratitude… I express gratitude for coming this far? Hell YES I do! If I cannot appreciate & be grateful for all the blessings in my life, how can I expect to be happy? A thin body will not make me happy without feeling good about Who I Am. I cannot feel good about Who I Am without following the 12 Steps; living an Abstinent lifestyle, apologizing for my mistakes, making amends to those I have harmed with my words or deeds; and practicing Integrity & Self- Respect in all of my daily actions.


  1. I love the readings you post, followed by your personal comments/experience. Dee

  2. Had to have a google account to post.....gosh things get so complicated. It helped when I found the right PW, LOL

  3. I also struggle with trying to be in control. My way has been unsuccessful. When i read posts from OA members, the ones that are happy and upbeat are from the ones who are staying abstinent, on plan, whatever-- they have committed to a food plan and DO NOT DEVIATE ONE IOTA. The ones that struggle and moan and make excuses and are troubles and still floundering around holding on the the weight that is our own will.


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