Sunday, August 18, 2013

Recovery Meditations: August 18th


“Some of your griefs you have cured
And the sharpest you still have survived ~
But what torments of pain you endured
From evils that never arrived.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As a compulsive overeater I have lived my life in fear. I feared the apparent cruelty of the surrounding world. I feared to challenge the unknown and chose instead to seek safety in familiar "surroundings." I was afraid to have ambition and dreams.

My whole life I've battled an increasing waistline. I realized that I was stagnate in a world of pain and darkness because my fears of responsibility as a "slim" person sabotaged my efforts to lose weight.

I’ve learned that worrying about a situation doesn't change the outcome! My fears simply prevented me from moving forward. They clouded the real issues and hid the answers to my problems. Instead of expending so much energy into worrying and fearing an event, I could put it to much better use by dealing with the present realities in my life.

Surviving a situation provides added armor for the next battle. Overcoming a fearful predicament puts confidence in my stride towards my next goal. Faith is the opposite of fear. Having faith in my choices, abilities and ambitions will provide the steadfast pathway ahead.

One Day at a Time . . .
I try to remember that fear and worry only serve to chain me to the present. Faith can break the shackles and enable me to walk on to where I was heading.

~ Nancy


 " I realized that I was stagnate in a world of pain and darkness because my fears of responsibility as a "slim" person sabotaged my efforts to lose weight."  What a profound realization! I think many of us are in this situation........scared of the responsibility of keeping the weight off. What will others think of us if we were to regain? Why lose weight to begin with if it cannot be maintained?

When we live in Fear instead of Faith, we cannot accomplish anything useful. Why have ambition & dreams when I have no Faith in my abilities to begin with?

In many ways, it is easier & safer to live in Fear than it is to take a risk & develop Faith in ourSELVES.  We are so used to letting ourselves down that we have no idea what it would feel like NOT to!

Worrying is a waste of time & precious energy. Fear keeps me living in 'what ifs' and dwelling in the future instead of the present moment.  The present moment is all that's REAL anyway.  As a compulsive overeater, I tend to dwell either in the past or the future, where I can chew on my past 'mistakes' or the future, where nothing is certain.  I can worry over ALL the possible outcomes of a situation, leaving me in a position to try to COPE with events that aren't even REAL! No wonder I want to eat to numb myself.

For today, I will live in Today.  Yesterday is gone & tomorrow isn't here yet.  I have developed Faith in myself & in God, and together, we can do ANYTHING!

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