Friday, April 26, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: April 26th


Some people are carriers of negativity. They are storehouses of pent up anger and volatile emotions. Some remain trapped in the victim role and act in ways that further their victimization. And others are still caught in the cycle of addictive or compulsive patterns.

Negative energy can have a powerful pull on us, especially if we're struggling to maintain positive energy and balance. It may seem that others who exude negative energy would like to pull us into the darkness with them. We do not have to go. Without judgment, we can decide it's okay to walk away, okay to protect ourselves.

We cannot change other people. It does not help others for us to get off balance. We do not lead others into the Light by stepping into the darkness with them.

Today, God, help me to know that I don't have to allow myself to be pulled into negativity - even around those I love. Help me set boundaries. Help me know it's okay to take care of myself. 

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.

The more recovery I have under my belt, the less tolerant I become of Energy Vampires........those negative Nellie's that Hoover the life right OUT of a person.  My mother is an extremely negative individual, and I speak to her every single day because she is elderly and I am an only child. I love her, I just have trouble dealing with the chronic flow of negativity & judgment that she passes out.  I choose NOT to internalize all of that negativity, or to judge her for it, either. She does the best she can with what she's got.  I, on the other hand, have worked mighty hard to get OUT of that mindset and to live in the light of love & positivity.

I do not have to listen to more negativity than what I can tolerate. It's okay to set boundaries and to remove myself from a toxic situation before I absorb it!

For today, may I practice the art of forgiveness, which is self-love.

For today, may I choose to maintain positive energy & balance.

For today, may I choose to protect myself & walk away when the toxicity gets overwhelming.

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