Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: April 16th

Letting Things Happen

We do not have to work so hard at gaining our insights. Yes, we're learning that painful and disappointing things happen, often for a reason and a higher purpose. Yes, these things often work out for good. But we don't have to spend so much time and energy figuring out the purpose and plan for each detail of our life. That's hypervigilence!

Sometimes, the car doesn't start. Sometimes, the dishwasher breaks. Sometimes, we catch a cold. Sometimes, we run out of hot water. Sometimes, we have a bad day. While it helps to achieve acceptance and gratitude for these irritating annoyances, we don't have to process everything and figure out if it's in the scheme of things.

Solve the problem. Get the car repaired. Fix the dishwasher. Nurse yourself through the cold. Wait to take the shower until there's hot water. Nurture yourself through your bad day. Tend to your responsibilities, and don't take everything so personally!

If we need to recognize a particular insight or awareness, we will be guided in that direction. Certainly, we want to watch for patterns. But often, the big insights and the significant processing happen naturally.

We don't have to question every occurrence to see how it fits into the Plan. The Plan - the awareness, the insight, and the potential for personal growth - will reveal itself to us. Perhaps the lesson is to learn to solve our problems without always knowing their significance. Perhaps the lesson is to trust ourselves to live, and experience, life.

Today, I will let things happen without worrying about the significance of each event. I will trust that this will bring about my growth faster than running around with a microscope. I will trust my lessons to reveal themselves in their own time. 

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.

Compulsive overeaters seem to work too hard with everything..........we micro manage.............we obsess...........we dwell on the tiniest details but wind up procrastinating & ignoring the LARGE details!
Compulsive overeating is a disease of BEHAVIOR, not one of 'gluttony'.  Sure, we behave ourselves in a gluttonous fashion, but it's because our behaviors are so erratic and our thinking is so confused!

Let go & let God is the best thing we can possibly do. We can stop micro managing the small details of life and allow God to guide us through our lives. We don't have to figure out the purpose of everything that happens, we just have to ACCEPT what comes our way as part of the master plan.

For today, I will let things happen.  I will allow myself to grow and to blossom into what God intends for me to be.

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