Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Recovery Meditations: April 23rd


I've continued to recognize the power individuals have
to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant.
I've learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are within us,
merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright.

Anthony Robbins

I have divine origins because I am part of my Higher Power. Whether I see my Higher Power as a male, female or neither; no matter if I experience my Higher Power as a Heavenly Parent, a Divine Friend, or a Great Spirit; whether I find my Higher Power in a temple, in the mountains, or in my child's eyes ... I am connected to something greater than myself, my problems, and my fears. The who, what, where, when, and how of my Higher Power are not important. I don't have to completely understand HP because my HP understands me.

I have been endowed with all the things I need to be successful in recovery and in life. All I have to do is step up and claim them. I have intellect, I have emotion, and I have a spirit. All of those things have a direct line to my Higher Power. What I can't yet access is given to me as a gift when I claim my divine birthright by simply saying, "I can't. You can. I think I'll let You." What greater power is there than to give our power to our Higher Power? Knowing when I can't do it alone is a gift!

One Day at a Time . . .
I will remember I come from royalty. I will remember my divine birthright and step up to claim it. Today I will not sell my divine birthright for a mess of pottage.

~ Sandee ~

'Today I will not sell my divine birthright for a mess of pottage.' How PROFOUND is that statement!!!!!!!!??????  Whenever we are faced with a heap of junk food or a plate of sludge, we need to ask ourselves if we are willing to ditch our birthright, to sell out, for a mess of FOOD!!!!!!

That's what it all boils down to, too, doesn't it? What we are willing to give UP to stay healthy & at peace, mentally.  We can't have everything we want to eat AND stay slim & healthy. So what are we willing to give UP?

I have the power to change everything in my life in an instant. Do I have the courage to? Do I trust my Higher Power to hold me up through the rough spots, to carry me when I can't carry myself?

I have been endowed with all the things I need to be successful in recovery & in life. All I have to do is step up and claim them. 

For today, I will not sell out for a mess of pottage.

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