Friday, June 1, 2012

Food for Thought: June 1st

Take an Idea Break

When we are bored or tired, it has been our habit to reach for something to eat or drink. Food has been our number one stimulant.

There are many sources besides the refrigerator to which we may turn for refreshment. We may stimulate our minds instead of our appetites by reading something worthwhile and thought provoking. We may listen to music or simply take a good look out the nearest window. In addition to intellectual stimulation, there are many sensory feasts besides food, which we may have been neglecting.

During our recovery from compulsive overeating, we grow less obsessed with food and more interested in the world around us. When our brains are no longer dulled with refined sugar, we take pleasure in new thoughts and ideas. The next time we find ourselves thinking about something to eat, let's try consuming something pleasant with our eyes, ears, or minds instead of our mouths.

May I enjoy fully all of the senses and abilities You have given me.


For me, boredom has always been a huge problem. I find myself asking, Are You Hungry or Bored? every time I want to eat something.  90% of the time, Boredom is my answer.

I've always found it tough to just BE; to sit there, alone with my own company, and to feel at ease.  I feel the need to always be DOING instead of just BE-ING.  The program has taught me the necessity to stop running; to relax and just connect with my spirit.

When I woke up out of my food coma 4 years ago, I realized there was a whole world out there waiting for me! I learned how to take pleasure in new thoughts and ideas.  How to appreciate the simple things in life and how to regard nature as a beautiful, wondrous thing.  Before I found abstinence, I was so caught up in my HEAD and my BODY, that nothing else mattered.

For today, I recognize the fact that I am NOT my body or my mind. I am my Being.  If I forget that fact, then I doom myself to feeling total separateness from the world around me.

Today, I choose to be a part of that world.

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