Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Food For Thought: May 2nd


Our commitment to OA is total. The program is not something we pick up and put down according to whim. Abstinence is not a diet that we go on and off as it pleases us. Perhaps a seeming inability to commit ourselves to anything permanently has been one of our problems in the past. If so, we are now all the more aware of the necessity for genuine, total commitment to this program.

Most of us tried just about everything else before we came to OA. We may even have tried OA previously and left, thinking that there must be an easier way. Now we are desperate because we know that there is no other way for us. Our recovery depends on our willingness to commit ourselves honestly to the OA program and to work it day by day to the very best of our ability.

When we are firmly committed to the Twelve Steps and the OA principles, we are able to apply them to all aspects of our daily lives with astonishing results.

Strengthen my commitment, Lord. 


A big part of my problem with weight management was lack of commitment.  Once I accepted the fact that the Food Plan must be my #1 priority, I was able to commit myself to it permanently, one day at a time.

When I hit rock bottom was when I agreed to come back to OA and to ditch my excuses. Getting into the meat of the program & working the steps enabled me to prioritize my whole life, recognizing that in order to do so, the food plan had to come first.  Without ordered, structured eating, the rest of my life goes to hell in a handbasket.

It all starts with commitment to the food plan and the rest falls into place from there.

When I commit myself to the program honestly & totally, I'm shown a new freedom beyond imagination.  If I work it in a half hearted manner, I get out what I put in: not much.

For today, I will stay committed to my program and allow God to handle the rest.   

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