Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Each Day a New Beginning: May 15th

Difficulties, opposition, criticism - these things are meant to be overcome, and there is a special joy in facing them and in coming out on top. It is only when there is nothing but praise that life loses its charm, and I begin to wonder what I should do about it.
  —Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

To be alive means to experience difficulties, conflicts, challenges from many directions. What we do with adverse conditions both determines and is determined by who we are. Resistance, most of us have learned, heightens the adversity. Acceptance of the condition, trusting all the while the lesson it offers us is for our benefit, ensures that we'll "come out on top."

Difficulties are opportunities for advancement, for increased self-awareness, for self-fulfillment. So often we hear and remind one another, that we grow through pain. We can face any situation knowing we have the strength of the program to shore us up. Strangely, we need challenges in order to grow; without growth we wither. Happiness is the bounty for facing the momentarily unhappy conditions.

Any difficulty I meet today offers me a chance for even greater happiness; it guarantees my growth. 


Nothing worth having comes easy. If it did, where would the challenge be?

If I shy away from difficulties & challenges, demanding a guaranteed outcome, I prevent myself from growth & self awareness.  I do the footwork, and allow God to handle the rest.  When I face adversity, I clear my mind of thought & I pray.  That way, I am able to intuit God's message and arrive at a conclusion.

While I was practicing addictive behaviors, I functioned in a state of unconsciousness.  Nowadays, in recovery, I apply one of three modalities to each problem that arises: Acceptance, Enthusiasm or Enjoyment.  Naturally, I do not approach adversity with enjoyment or enthusiasm, but I DO approach it with acceptance.  Fighting against something only weakens ME.  Acceptance aligns my thinking with God and the Universe, and leads me to deal with the situation more appropriately.

For today, I agree to face any and all challenges that await me, without overeating and putting myself into a food coma of unconsciousness.  For today, I will be an observer to my thoughts, instead of a slave TO them.  I will pray to God for guidance, instead of staying caught up in compulsive, crowded thinking.

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