Saturday, February 18, 2012

For Today: February 18th

 What is actual is actual only for one
And only for one place.
T.S. Eliot

Do I think there is a certain way to be with people----the set smile, the too firm handshake---playing a part, well-practiced and for a specific return?  Why, then, is there a feeling of loneliness after a day with people?  Because that is not a satisfying way to live.  The alternative?   Trust.  Trust in my Higher Power to help me speak honestly.  Trust in the unselfish impulse, the spontaneous greeting, the invitation given or accepted.  A wish for a guarantee plays no part in trust.  Sometimes I need to forget the past and trust my perception of the moment, take the risk and act on it.

For Today:  In the same way I trust in my Higher Power to keep me abstinent, I let go preconceived notions and trust the moment for what it is.  I avoid the tendency to control a situation, so that thoughts and ideas may flow freely.


I might not be someone’s first choice,
…..but I am a great choice.
I may not be rich……but I am valuable.
I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not,
…..because I’m good at being me.
I might not be proud of some of the things
I’ve done in the past,
…..but I’m proud of who I am today.
I may not be perfect……
……but I don’t need to be.
Take me as I am………
Or watch me as I walk away.

For today, I will be me.

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