Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Language of Letting Go: June 2nd

Owning Our Power

We don't have to give others so much power and ourselves so little. We don't have to give others so much credit and ourselves so little. In recovery from codependency, we learn there's a big difference between humility and discounting ourselves.

When others act irresponsibly and attempt to blame their problems on us, we no longer feel guilty. We let them face their own consequences.

When others talk nonsense, we don't question our own thinking.

When others try to manipulate or exploit us, we know it's okay to feel anger and distrust and to say no to the plan.

When others tell us that we want something that we really don't want, or someone tells us that we don't want something that we really do want, we trust ourselves. When others tell us things we don't believe, we know it's okay to trust our instincts.

We can even change our mind later.

We don't have to give up our personal power to anyone: strangers, friends, spouses, children, authority figures, or those over whom we're in authority. People may have things to teach us. They may have more information than we have, and may appear more confident or forceful than we feel. But we are equals. Our magic is not in them. Our magic, our light, is in us. And it is as bright a light as theirs.

We are not second-class citizens. By owning our power, we don't have to become aggressive or controlling. We don't have to discount others. But we don't discount ourselves either.

Today, I will own my power with people. I will let myself know what I know, feel what I feel, believe what I believe, and see what I see. I will be open to changing and learning from others and experience, but I will trust and validate myself too. I will stand in my own truth. 

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.

Part of my desire to stuff myself with food was the fact that I didn't know who I was! I was who I THOUGHT I should be; who YOU wanted me to be. I didn't have a lot of my own ideas.........I would borrow YOURS.  I did have my own opinions, but felt scared to express them for fear of not being liked.

What I'd never realized is that human beings are all equal. I am not a second class citizen; my light is in ME, and it shines as brightly as anyone else.

A journey of recovery is one of personal growth & discovery. We find our true self, lurking under mountains of fat or bottles of booze or vials of pills.  We find and TAKE our own power, ultimately, and we BECOME. We turn into the people that God intended us TO be, one day at a time.

For today, I will own my power with people. I will stand in my own truth.

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