Sunday, June 9, 2013

Food for Thought: June 9th

Greedy Thinking, Greedy Eating

Contentment comes from being satisfied with what we have. Since "bread" is a symbol for material things, it is easy to use food as a substitute for the money and possessions we may avidly desire. Overeating can be a form of compensation for the enticing worldly wealth, which seems so attractive, yet is out of our grasp.

When we desire abstinence more than we desire material things, we are able to maintain it. When we allow material cares and concerns to obscure our spiritual goals, then our abstinence is in danger! Each of us is confronted with the choice of striving to satisfy physical cravings or working toward spiritual ideals. We cannot serve two masters.

We may have thought that we could get rid of our greed for food and continue to indulge our greed for other material things. Our Higher Power does not work that way. He demands nothing less than complete allegiance.

May I serve You without reservations. 

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.

Ever notice how you tend to become a 'shopaholic' after you take on a weight loss program? We try to substitute the comfort of over-eating with another type of comfort, usually shopping. We may lose 50 lbs and acquire 5,000 new 'treasures' during the process.

Substituting one addiction for another is not 'Recovery'.  Recovery means we turn inward to find the source of the pain that leads us to addictive behavior. We turn towards God, seeking spiritual fulfillment for the empty void that lies within.  With a spiritual void in the soul, there is NO amount of 'stuff' on earth that's going to fill it!  Which is why "One is too many & one million is not enough."

When we seek to fill our souls with stuff, we come up short. When we agree to fill our souls with God, we are fulfilled beyond our wildest dreams.  "Stuff" suddenly takes a backseat to LIFE, and to JOY, and to feeling WHOLE again!

Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Until we take that Step, we are looking for a needle in a haystack..........seeking comfort through food/drugs/alcohol/shopping/gambling.  We will invent reasons to feel miserable so we can Use.  We will be like hamsters on a wheel, running & running but never quite 'arriving' anywhere.

For today, may I get OFF of the wheel that leads nowhere, and ONTO the path of spiritual fulfillment.

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