Saturday, March 23, 2013

Food for Thought: March 23rd


To be aware is to be focused and alive. If we are truly alert to what is going on within and around us, we will never be bored. Through working the OA program, we develop greater awareness of ourselves, other people, and our Higher Power.

Sometimes this new awareness brings pain; we realize that we have been hurt and that we have hurt others. Through our daily inventories, we recognize shortcomings and mistakes, which we may have ignored in the past. Often it is too late to undo all of the damage, which has been done by our compulsive overeating and general self-centeredness.

Here is where we pray for acceptance of what we cannot change and courage to make amends where we can. It is then important to put what is past behind us and concentrate on being more aware now, today, so that we do not make the same mistakes again.

When we are not dulled by too much food and the wrong kinds of food, we are more perceptive and aware in every aspect of our lives. Our experiences are richer and we are better able to grow and change.

I pray for increasing awareness.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.


Boredom is a problem for me............a problem I work on correcting. I am aware, focused.......and alive, yet still find myself restless and antsy sometimes. I used to fill that time with excess food........eating as a way to cure boredom.  Since I can't do that anymore and maintain abstinence, I have to find other things to occupy me instead.

I blog, I make phone calls, I stay connected to my fellow COEs on a chat board...........I read books on spirituality, or OA literature..........and I watch TV too, because hey, I LIKE to watch TV! :)

For today, I am not dulled by too much food, and for that I am grateful.  For today, I will allow myself to thrive and to grow because I will not practice my addictive behaviors.

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