Saturday, March 16, 2013

Food for Thought: March 16th

Difficult Times

When we have hard things to do, we especially need our abstinence. We know from experience that maintaining it is the only way we can feel good and cope effectively.

Formerly, we turned to food to strengthen us and prop us up during difficult times. We invariably ate too much and were less able to manage the troublesome situation. Food then became an escape, and we sometimes ended up doing nothing at all about a problem, since we had eaten ourselves into oblivion.

We know now that instead of strengthening us, extra food incapacitates us. No matter how difficult the situation we face, we know that eating unnecessary food will eventually make it worse.

We have come to believe that whatever happens, our Higher Power will give us the strength we need if we will rely on Him.

May I rely on You, Lord, instead of food.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation.


So true.................abstinence is what carries me through difficult times. My Food Plan is my calm amidst the storm! Without IT, I'd be stuffing myself and experiencing even MORE turmoil and pain!

Extra food incapacitates me.  Abstinence empowers and steadies me.  No matter what difficult situation I face in life, unnecessary food will make it even MORE difficult!

It's taken me a long time to accept this put abstinence into practice instead of just an idea in the back of my mind.

For today, I will PRACTICE abstinence and as a result, my day will be calm and serene!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is exactly what I needed today! I have been eating to cope lately and all it has gotten me is feeling worse about myself. And my situation has certainly been unphased by all the eating, haha.

    I'm with you today on practicing abstinence! Hope your day is perfectly calm :)


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