Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Food for Thought

Rest in God

Fatigue is one of our worst enemies. Sometimes it is our own unnecessary busyness and over ambition, which wears us out, and sometimes, the cause of our fatigue seems unavoidable. Depression and weariness go hand in hand.

It was our habit to reach for something to eat when we were tired. We may still crave refined sugar and carbohydrates as a quick boost when our energy lags. Instead of these substances, which we know will let us down, we need to turn to our Higher Power for rest and refreshment.

Even better than waiting until we are fatigued to ask for help is the habit of resting continuously in God. We may then carry on our activities knowing that we are upheld by His power, and we will avoid the exhaustion of trying to accomplish everything by our own efforts.

May I remember to rest in You.

From Food for Thought: Daily Meditations for Overeaters by Elisabeth L. ©1980, 1992 by Hazelden Foundation
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My Blog
An member shared at a meeting that she was constantly busy, with way too much on her plate at any given time.  When she sat down to write out a to-do list, it covered 5 large pages, front & back.  
In this day & age, we tend to heap too much onto our already overflowing plates. We sign our kids up for 12 after school activities; we work full time jobs, we are housekeepers, cooks, care-takers & seamstresses.  We have to-do lists that leave us feeling totally overwhelmed, and we're stressed out from the moment we wake up til the moment we lay our heads down to sleep, probably 3 hours later than we ought to be.  We function on 5 hours of sleep, never feeling refreshed or rested. 

Running around like hamsters in a wheel, when do we take time to just Be? To enjoy silence and nature? To rest in the care & love of our Higher Power?
Surrounding ourselves with the busyness of life blots OUT the beauty and serenity we are meant to take from it.  All we hear is noise, and our mind-chatter drives us to keep going, keep doing, keep moving & keep striving for bigger & better. For more more more.
The beauty of life lies in minimalism. The more I reach FOR, the less I receive.  Being content and relaxed with what I have NOW is the key to happiness. When I am tired, I rest.  When I am overwhelmed, I ask for help.  When I am spiritually impoverished, and reach for food to fill that void, I will NEVER feel 'full'.  There isn't enough food or booze on earth to fill that particular hole in my soul.
Only God can fill that hole, when I allow Him into my life.
For today, I won't reach for food when I'm exhausted. I will remember HALT: Hungry Angry Lonely & Tired are 4 situations that present danger to me & my food plan.  Boredom is a fifth. 
 For today, I will stick to my food plan and stop trying to run the world. I am not God, and it is not my job.

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