Thursday, December 8, 2011

For Today: December 8th

Laugh and be well.
Matthew Green

We will never know how many people have been cured of both major illness and minor indisposition through laughter.  If prescriptions for laughter could be written---and filled---there would undoubtedly be a sharp rise in the health and wellbeing of the population.

The best OA meetings are those in which there is the most laughter.  To those irrepressible souls who find humor in their experience---and share it with us---we owe a large debt of thanks.

For Today:  Bless the comedians and humorists in our midst.


 Putting a humorous spin on any situation makes life a whole lot more pleasant.  When I walk around with a long, serious face is when the self-pity threatens to overtake me.  

For a compulsive overeater who's surely cried enough tears, laughter is the best medicine on earth!

When I stop taking myself so seriously is when I allow myself to live a happier life.  That's not to say my disease isn't serious...........because it is deadly serious..........but the ability to laugh at myself goes a long way toward healing.

For today, I will be happy, joyous and free, and I will make a point of smiling and finding laughter in my day.

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