Monday, December 19, 2011

For Today: December 19th

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.
William James

Say Yes instead of No.  Apply that principle to all your living problems.  Approach our difficulties with the belief that everything----even the problem itself---is helping you to find a solution.

There is no room for fear in such a philosophy.  You will not be afraid if you believe---really believe----that life is with you and wants you to solve your problems.

Believe that you can be abstinent.  You will be.  Believe that you can have sanity, peace of mind and freedom to live the life you want.  You will have them.  Believe that you will recover.  You will.

For Today:  I affirm that I have within me all I need to live an abstinent, sober life; and I believe that life is very much worth living.


I love this reading!  

Believe that you can be abstinent.  You will be.  Believe that you can have sanity, peace of mind and freedom to live the life you want.  You will have them.  Believe that you will recover.  You will.

If I dwell in negativity, thinking I can't do something, then I can't do it.  If I dwell in the positive, I can do anything I set my mind to do.

I have a food plan.  All I have to do is stick to that food plan to receive the miracles of this program & to be all that I am capable of being. It's just that simple; never particularly 'easy', but simple nevertheless.

When I am faced with a bunch of off plan trigger foods, I ignore them; when I tell myself they are not an option, then they are not.  When I waffle back & forth, considering whether I should take a taste, then those foods become an option.  And, as a compulsive overeater, I will make the wrong choice every single time, and put myself back on the road to excess for who-knows-how long?

I'd like to say that I 'never' feel fear, but I do.  'Never' isn't a real word in my vocabulary, because it's unrealistic to think in terms of 'never' and 'forever'.  For today, I do not have to dwell in fear.  For today, I am capable of sticking to my food plan & saying No Thank You to the trigger foods.

For today..........for the next 24 hours, I can do anything.  With God at my side & my food plan in my back pocket, I am golden. 

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