Saturday, November 26, 2011

For Today: November 26th

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana

The diet-and-binge syndrome experienced by many compulsive overeaters is a classic example of “forgetfulness.”  Each time I dieted myself down to a satisfying slimness, the danger of regaining weight seemed remote—despite repeated proof that gaining back the lost pounds is a natural consequence of dieting-and-weight-loss regimens.

Thank God I am in a program that does not talk about dieting and losing weight, but rather tells me what I can do to like who I am right now.

For Today:  To keep it fresh in my mind, I share my experience with other compulsive overeaters.

If I didn’t have a food plan to keep me abstinent, I would have regained the 100 lbs I lost LONG long ago.
I’ve proven that fact to myself countless times over the past 40 years of chronic dieting. 

Since I am no longer ‘on a diet’, I don’t obsess over the scale, my weight, what to eat or not eat………I just stick to my healthy, wholesome food plan every day and that’s THAT.

The steps keep me honest, and, talking with other compulsive overeaters keeps me from ‘forgetting’ what it felt like to be caught up in the throes of my disease.

Practicing the principles of OA has helped me to ditch the 'all or nothing' mentality when it comes to food. If I slip up and break abstinence, I don't keep on eating since I've 'blown it' anyway.  I get right back to my food plan and move forward immediately.
In the old days of dieting, if I 'blew it', I was finished.  The diet was finally over with, PHEW, and I was free to gorge myself until all that hard work went down the drain & I was back to my starting weight, plus a few extra pounds.

Nowadays, I live my life in 24 hour increments. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet.  If I didn't stick to my food plan perfectly yesterday, today is a whole NEW day to be 100% committed.

For today, I am grateful to have a program that keeps me honest while giving me a solid, structured plan to follow that keeps me physically & mentally satisfied.  The Steps are what keep me spiritually satisfied.

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