Tuesday, November 15, 2011

For Today: November 15th

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
Thomas a Kempis

It is only through the help of this program, and continuously working at letting go and letting God, that I can detach myself from the problems of those I love.  I can best help my mate, my children, my parents and my dear friends by loving them as they are.

It is when I stop trying to make others be what I think they should be that they begin coming closer to their true potential.  This is because, in accepting them as they are, I am clearly changing myself and acting only to fulfill my own highest potential.

For Today:  The influence I have on others by practicing the principles of the program in my everyday life is far more effective than anything I can do or say to change them.


I've discovered a simple truth: I can't change others, but I can change my reaction to their behaviors.  Some family members have to be taken in small doses.  With others, I have to change the subject when they begin the toxic &  negative talk.  If the conversation gets too bothersome, I suddenly have an 'emergency' that I have to deal with and So Sorry, I Have To Hang Up Now.

I am learning to set boundaries with the toxic people in my life; while I can't change them, I can decide how much time I'm willing to spend with them.  If I internalize their issues and try to 'fix' them, I may wind up overeating because of it.  I can't change the world, but I can change myself, one step at a time.

The purpose of my life is not to please others & be a yes-man.  The purpose of my life is to please God, to work my program to the best of my ability, and to take good care of myself.  

For today, I will practice the principles of the program in my everyday life & lead by example.

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