Monday, September 5, 2011

For Today: September 5th

What is dignity without honesty?

Who says it is undignified for a grown woman or man to play ball with neighborhood kids or rollerskate down the middle of the street?  Dignity is a quality achieved by freeing myself of arrogance and self-importance.  When I present myself to the world as I really am, I attain an effortless dignity.  True dignity depends on honest self-respect that is without lies and without the temptation to see myself as better or worse than I am.  Accepting myself as I am confers a natural dignity upon me that is free of all pretense and is close to the humility I strive for on a daily basis.

For Today:  If I feel lacking in dignity, I look for incidents in which I may have been less than honest.

The fear of looking foolish tends to prevent me from getting on rollerskates & breaking my neck in full view of the world! I'm not sure 'arrogance & self-importance' plays all that much of a role in it.............LOL.

I do strive to be more child-like though...........more innocent, more open, more willing to let loose and have fun. If I take myself too seriously, I tend to look at LIFE too seriously.  And, not every moment SHOULD be taken too seriously, right?

To laugh & to be as a child is to truly LIVE and to feel FREE!

For today, I will worry less about 'dignity' and more about FREEDOM! With God's help, I can live today with total honesty and humility.  Because therein lies Recovery!

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