Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today's Thought from Hazelden: August 29th

There is always a "but" in this imperfect world.
--Helen Keller

Often there is not a day that goes by without some tragic or upsetting news story. An act of terrorism, a natural disaster, or a school shooting can dominate the air waves and make it seem as if all there is in the world are tragedy, loss, and immeasurable sorrow. At those times when the world seems to be crashing down around you, you may be tempted to look at your addiction from a different perspective.

You may consider, for instance, how minor your addiction is compared to everything else that is going on. So you might tell yourself, "Okay, I think I have a problem with alcohol, But maybe my problem isn't so bad after all." Or you may think, "But all I did was just knock over a trash can when I was drunk. It's not as if I killed someone."

Maintaining sobriety can be an extremely difficult task. But you make it more difficult whenever you spend more time trying to find excuses than doing what it is you need to do in your recovery. While it is true that sometimes there is too much tragedy and negative news, such things should not be taken as reasons for you to take a break from your recovery.

Today I will not excuse myself from my recovery.

You are reading from the book: Morning Light by Amy E. Dean


"But all I did was just knock over a trash can when I was drunk. It's not as if I killed someone."  Boy, what flimsy & addictive thinking THIS statement is!!!!!!!!!  Do I wait TO kill someone while drunk driving to take my addiction seriously? Or, do I wait until I'm 500 lbs and cooking on a hot plate next to my bed before I recognize the need to change????

Sometimes the answer to those questions is Yes.  Sometimes, we don't hit 'rock bottom' until tragedy has struck.  A tragedy at our own hands, not a natural disaster that could not be averted. 

When I spend time making excuses for why I 'can't' stay sober from food or booze is when I truly struggle. My thoughts have taken over, and I've forgotten my Spirit by focusing on my body & mind instead.  

If I choose to take a 'break' from Recovery, then I have chosen to go back to the total INSANITY of compulsive behavior, and the sheer HELL of addiction!!!!!! I might as well poke my vein with a needle full of heroin instead of taking that first compulsive bite, or that first 'sip' of a cocktail.

For today, I will not excuse myself from my recovery.  I will not invent lame excuses for why I 'deserve' a break, or worse yet, to behave as if I were 'normal'. For today, I will thank God FOR my food plan and the Steps of Recovery that KEEP me sane & balanced.  

For today, I will continue to carve out my 'normal', and not confuse my disease with something small & irrelevant.  For today, I will get down on my knees and thank my HP for leading me to sanity. I will not risk it for anything! 

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