Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Recovery Meditations: August 14th


“Love conquers all things.
Let us, too, surrender to love.”

Learning to love myself has been one of the hardest lessons I've had to learn. I had to discover my capacity for self-care. I had to listen to the way I talked to myself and to learn to speak in more affirming ways. Learning to smile -- and then laugh -- when I made a mistake helped me to be less self-centered and more able to just have fun.

Life is a great experience when I surrender myself to the love around me. Expressing my love to others increases its quantity and quality inside of me. We all need to know that someone loves us and that we are lovable. Everyone needs to know that they are sufficient. I've discovered that as I give love to others, it is returned to me many times over.

One day at a time...
I will work at expressing unconditional love.

My Health Coach Website
My Blog
I've always had the capacity to love others, but myself? Not so much. I was fat, after all, and why did I deserve to love myself? I spoke to myself in harsh tones, with no understanding or forgiveness, considering myself 'weak' and 'worthless' as a human being.
No wonder I overeat and drank to cope! 
I am lovable. I have the capacity TO love and to BE loved! I am sufficient, in spite of my mistakes & imperfections.  I do not have to work my program 'perfectly' in order to be worthy of self-love.  I love myself NO MATTER WHAT!

If I am struggling with abstinence, I can look at the situation with honesty instead of beating myself to a pulp.  I can tighten UP my program, and work the Steps rather than immediately resort to self-loathing.  
I am a child of God, a mother, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a co-worker & a business woman. I am not 'perfect' in ANY of these roles, but I AM good enough!
For today, I will love myself unconditionally, no matter WHAT! 

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